By Tomtom - 17/11/2008 05:04 - France

Today, I put on the same jeans that I had left in a bundle in my bedroom the day before. A few hours later, my boxer shorts decided to make their spectacular reappearance trick at the bottom of my leg in the middle of one of my meetings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 089
You deserved it 11 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jenjen87 0

HAHAHA! omg i vividly remember this happening to me in elementary school... 5th grade (10+ years ago... traumatic)! I put on my jeans and yesterday's panties dropped from one of the legs. Suddenly there were mystery panties in the classroom ::gasp::!!!! I ewwwwwwwd along with everyone else.

i don't know but "who the nut sack" makes me want to punch you for some reason


Jenjen87 0

HAHAHA! omg i vividly remember this happening to me in elementary school... 5th grade (10+ years ago... traumatic)! I put on my jeans and yesterday's panties dropped from one of the legs. Suddenly there were mystery panties in the classroom ::gasp::!!!! I ewwwwwwwd along with everyone else.

normal people put and take off pants and boxers separately.. and #18 is right who the nut sack wears jeans to a meeting?

i don't know but "who the nut sack" makes me want to punch you for some reason

20 - Such a STUPID comment, but "who the nut sack" literally made me laugh out loud.

the same thing happened to me! except it was a thong!! and i was at school with a room full of classmates. lol!

I truthfully don't understand how they got to the bottom of your leg? People are saying this happened to them too. I've never heard of this.

there was another pair of boxers or whatever and they didn't realize they were stuck in their jeans until they fell out , like in the OP's situation, in the middle of a meeting ...

Why were you wearing jeans to a meeting? And if it was a meeting, why not clean pants?

crchara 3

I was wondering the same thing

Maybe one or more of these reasons: 1. Jeans for Genes day 2. Casual Friday 3. Their business does not directly deal with clients or enforce any kind of business attire, so they wear "smart casual" like jeans etc. 4. For some reason they didn't have any business attire available that morning. And as for why they would wear their jeans twice in a row.. denim is a material that can be worn multiple times before it needs to be washed, twice in a row isn't so bad, provided they didn't get them very dirty the first time.

I agree #4. I've never had any problems like this and I have no idea how underwear (which SHOULD be at the TOP of your pants) get to the bottom of your leg while under your pants.

#6 he took off his pants with the boxers and then put it on the next day not knowing that the boxers were in there!

Yesterdays underwear still stuck in the old jeans. He had other underwear on. +facepalm+ wow some people shouldnt comment if they dont know wtf they are talking about.

MukyDaCookie 0

The underwear gets bunched up when you take your pants off and when you put them back on gets pushed down a leg hole and then pops out near the cuff at the best possible time

xMooMoox 0

To further explain #4 and 6 when you take off your pants you take off your underwear too. You leave them inside the pants and forget that they are in there. Then when you put them on they are inside of one of the leg holes and fall out the bottom at a horrible moment. I am terrified of this happening to me! I always shake my pants out!

Easy solution: JUST TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF FIRST AND YOUR UNDERWEAR OFF SECOND! It's really not that hard... In fact, I thought everyone takes them off one at a time/separately, but clearly I'm wrong.

duude same thing happened to me but at school.

RedneckWoman1990 0

I agree with #5. And how could you not tell that something was inhabiting your pants leg? Most people I know will at least shake their pants out before putting them on if they are rewearing them

#10 If you're always on the go, sometimes it's really difficult to think straight when picking out clothes.