By nodad - 11/10/2011 04:52 - United States

Today, I found out my dad stole money from me when he was arrested for buying Oxycodone from an undercover cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 041
You deserved it 2 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope for your sake you don't follow in his foot steps. Fyl op :/

ReynshineCutting 10

He's not a dick. He has an addiction and needs help. Since it most likely started after being prescribed some for an injury, it's not his fault and he needs therapy. Don't be mad OP. Offer to help him with it.


bubo_fml 10

Cocaine's a helluva drug...Uhh...Wait a minute...

Unfortunately, there is no "that's just sad" voting mechanism.

fluxterp 2

holy ****! are you mr bean's son?!?!

SkardeyKat 3

Sorry to hear that, op. It's no fun to have an addict in the family. I really hope your dad gets help.

smokedogg 0

He's probably not an addict because it's hard to get addicted and don't say oh it is because that's what I learned in health class. Health teachers exaggerate on how addictive shit is I've been taken like 6 of those everyday for 2 months and I'm not addicted and I know some people are gonna say than why do you do it everyday and my answer is it is the awsomest feeling in the world except for weed

Actually, I learned it not from "health class," but from the many drug-addicted losers I've had the, er, PLEASURE of sharing my time with. They say the same thing, you know that? "I'm not addicted!" That's probably the first sign that yeah, you are. If you aren't yet, you most likely will be. Your addiction is fed by the pleasurable feeling it gives you, so you aren't even aware of how dependent you are of the feeling. It's an incentive to continue. Stop for a few weeks, and you'll start showing negative symptoms. If you seriously think addiction is this obvious, outward thing, then you're wrong. If it was so easy to see addiction starting, addiction wouldn't be such a problem.

isis_morrigan 18
aleXR12 1

You have to live with that ..cant change your parents.

judasxoxo 0

the ****?your dads a gangster ;3

hateevryone 14

he sounds like an addict. he needs help.

muhilrashid 4

I read something about tyson tomko is he your dad cuz he got arrested for the same thing ?

Oxycodone is a worthless drug. $80 to get high **** that. But seriously your dads pathetic