By Anonymous - 11/12/2010 05:10 - Indonesia

Today, I found out my daughter has a higher paid job in the same company I work in. I also found out she is dating my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 002
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well the second thing leads to the first - he gave her a raise because she gave him a raise first :D

Lordlucian 0

Now you know why she gets paid more


Is the fact that your daughter is ******* your boss the ONLY reason why she has a better paying job than you OP? Or is it possible that she's simply qualified and earns every penny that she makes. If the first part is true, then FYL OP. If the second part is true then clean the sand out of your vag and be happy for her.

Now u no why she gets paid more its commen sense one good thing for another

Yep. She's definitely going somewhere in this world