By cheated - 11/03/2010 12:50 - Australia

Today, I found out my ex boyfriend who recently cheated on me and broke up with me for another girl, has herpes. Guess how I found out? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 254
You deserved it 4 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually really sad. I feel for people who STDs from someone they trust.

#2 makes me hate all of those girls who think ALL men are pricks


xd3box 4

I'm assuming the girl is a former friend

Well, quit it with the suspense, woman. How?

herpes isnt bad. it doesnt even cause outbreaks every month or every year. you can be lucky & only have one to two outbreaks in your lifetime. dont sweat it.

Condoms are made for a reason... But otherwise, that really sucks! :/

Let me guess: your doctor told you and then your ex had himself tested and was found clean. You know, 20% of Americans have it anyway. Some contract it from kissing. You could've had it for years.