By cheated - 11/03/2010 12:50 - Australia

Today, I found out my ex boyfriend who recently cheated on me and broke up with me for another girl, has herpes. Guess how I found out? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 254
You deserved it 4 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually really sad. I feel for people who STDs from someone they trust.

#2 makes me hate all of those girls who think ALL men are pricks


Hellooomindyy 0

and one last comment/opinion. i think if you dont know your facts about how you can catch diseases and spread them, then you dont need to be having sex. if your responsible enough to have sex then your responsible enough to learn the risks your taking and that not every risk can be prevented. so dont be so immature and fight over something you have no idea about. and kudos to who were on the right track

manderrzzbabyy 0

#1 is an ass.... and daaayyyuuummm!!! FYL fer shure! but hey, atleast the girl he left you for will have it too

I guess you could see it as a pass it on..Haha

BreezyBeckah 0

.....and this is why I'm a virgin! Waay to many STD's out nowadays.

jamie0610_fml 0

i dont know about in australia but in america you can sue the hell out of someone if they have sex with you knowing they have herpes and dont tell you. what an asshole.

maddiesonnn 0

is it mouth herpes, genital herepes, or cookies :D

rety1 13

well I'm guessing you got it by being a stupid ***** and ducking your EX boyfriend that cheated in you in the first place... how stupid can you get..????