By Username - 13/09/2010 23:19 - France

Today, I found out my grandmother doesn't wear underwear when she bent over in front of me in her inappropriately short nightgown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 659
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Was she picking up her Chap-Stick saying, "Oh, these old lips are so dry and chapped! Will you help your dear ol' Granny rub it on and get some relief?"


and hey, maybe you should tongue **** granny' s ass like a good grandkid.

PYLrulz 17

excuse me while I go get a gallon of mind bleach

No F your Grandmas life! Today, I forgot to wear underwear and my grand-op posted it on FML. FML! YDI for watching that far, look away as soon as you see those wrinkled thighs!

letschat6 5

Warning: Saggybutt alert! D: xD

christa953 12

now where did those granny panties go??????

harmtouch 0

well ya can't un see that...and neither can I....

There are just some things you cannot unsee...