By thedeerman - 17/09/2011 04:39 - United States

Today, I found out my wife and three daughters all have their period on seperate weeks. I now have no break from yelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 350
You deserved it 5 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Don't worry! The periods will adjust to each other.. After some time you will only have 1 week of a whole lot of pms xD good luck with it!

okay, you're a ********. Not all girls are monsters when they're on their period. get a clue!

crazy4uboi 6

This is creepy my dad has 3 daughters and a wife and he likes deer and the guys name is ' thedeerman' .... Uh....

That's when you, you know, discipline your daughters and let them know they can't just be bitches whenever they're uncomfortable or in pain and sit down with your wife and tell her the same thing. FYL for having to deal with it but YDI for not doing something about it.

They'll sync up though so you'll be right eventually

Don't worry, unless they're all on birth control, their cycles will sync up... Which actually, may be worse. FYL

I never understood why women use periods and PMS as an excuse for being a prick. I'm a little pissy just before my period, yes, but I never let myself get that bad. And I'm only upset the first couple days because of bad cramps which a dose of Midol usually takes care of, and even then I make sure not to take it out on others. And either way, I never get upset for seemingly no reason like so many women seem to do. At worst, it exaggerates my reactions to things that already bug me. It's called self-control, and Mother Nature visiting for a week is no excuse to lose it IMO.

That reminds me of Modern Family when all the Dunphy women got their periods at the same time.