By thedeerman - 17/09/2011 04:39 - United States

Today, I found out my wife and three daughters all have their period on seperate weeks. I now have no break from yelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 350
You deserved it 5 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Do you not all live together? Because one of the truly fascinating things about my time spent on tour in a theater company was watching how by the end of each 12 month tour all the women in our troupe were all cycling within a few days of each other. Your story seems flawed to me ... just sayin'

varkey 7

FYL, but they eventually will "sync..." its weird just talking about this

lulzmylife 4

Awww, you poor, poor thing, having to deal with all these crazy irrational hormonal women! My heart is bleeding for you, truly. Can you hear the violin music? I'm playing it extra loud for you. No, seriously. STFU. You think you have it bad? Just try to imagine how the women actually experiencing it feel. Oh, wait, you can't, because you literally have no concept of what it's like to feel as though your internal organs are ripping themselves apart inside you. Yeah, you poor men. You have it so damn hard. My advice to you is to fetch them a heating pad and then go screw yourself.

wow, apparently *somebody* has PMS. And yes, I'm a woman. Stop your whinging. Or go on the pill if you really become such a monster on PMS.

linnie_wesker 20

FYL because if they yell that much while they're menstruating, they're obviously the type that uses their period as an excuse to be a bitch. I have killer cramps and I still manage to act like my normal self. Seriously, I hate when girls go into crazy bitch mode just because they think they can use their period as an excuse.

tylersbaby 0

Some guys put up with bitchy PMS issues and some of us don't. Join the team.

taurusxdee 10