By jazzybell - 21/11/2011 00:29 - United States

Today, I found out that a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will erase the paint right off your wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 258
You deserved it 6 736

Same thing different taste


palahniukpaul 6

When you can see Sheetrock that's when you know it's working.

MY EYES THEY BURN!!!1! Change your pic, it's scary (seriously).

MwahFMLS 6
MwahFMLS 6

Thank you fellow grammar Nazi, you're my hero.

I use it on my walls all the time and never had that type of problem. How hard did you scrub?

It's a microabrasive, and I can attest that it will remove paint. I was trying to remove some scuffs from a wall in my old place, that paint had probably been there since it was built. If you scrub lightly and relatively briefly, it'll remove stains. If you scrub hard and for longer periods, it'll remove paint. It's also reasonably good for blending paints together, fwiw. If you've painted a wall and have roller lines, the Magic Eraser can help blend the lines away.

It also removed the paint from my walls, but we didn't paint them so I can't attest to the quality the previous owners chose.

It's true, I used one to blend paints on a mask I made once

leadman1989 15

If you think that's bad don't move on to harder stuff... I'm hooked on pinesol.

rainbowbigbird 7

Pinesol rocks. That and lemon pledge.

Fx13mz 7

That's the power of Pinesol baby ;).

FYLDeep 25

The paint is still there. The eraser simply removed the magic that gave it its color.

I bet Mr. Clean used to be a ginger... He got very insecure about it, became obsessed with inventing products that remove unwanted color (i.e. stains), and finally came up with the magic eraser, which he then used to erase his red hair, turning it white. Quite the leap of faith, but it all fits.

ninjuh_wingman 29

Good job. You found out that Mr. Clean Magic Eraser cleans things. Read the box next time.