By jazzybell - 21/11/2011 00:29 - United States

Today, I found out that a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will erase the paint right off your wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 258
You deserved it 6 736

Same thing different taste


Re-read that thinking the topic at hand is a penis.

Your paint must have been very dirty. I found out the magic eraser makes my walls whiter than they were when I moved in and everything was freshly painted. Mr. Clean is not messing around. He is like Chuck Norris on dirt.

gene818 13
scottgeo 0

Discovered that one recently myself. Glad to see I am not the only one who has kids that write on walls.

sneeze_watch 19

Yep, did this myself a few days ago when my 2 year old got ahold of a red crayon. They crayon is gone, but so is a significant amount of paint in front of my stairs.

Trev_BOT 0

it says that on the ******* box you idiot!

What the hell paint is on your walls? I use them on walls many times without this problem!

I use magic erasers to remove excess hair dye off my skin. works wonders.