By Anonymous - 30/10/2013 22:27 - United Kingdom - Romford

Today, I found out that, although I have the same job title and complete the same work as my male colleagues, I get paid 15% less, purely because I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 717
You deserved it 8 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should do 15 percent less work from now on

And you've talked to your boss about this?


thatonegirlnic 10

Women have to work twice as hard as men to be thought of as half as good. Murica.

graceinsheepwear 33
thatonegirlnic 10

My apologies. I didn't look closely enough. Still, the concept applies regardless.

monnanon 13

it is rife in the UK. they will try anything to pay you the least as possible.

It's not much different in the U.S. either. *sigh* OP: Do make absolutely certain that the pay discrepancy is solely because you don't have a penis, and bring it to HR's attention. If that doesn't resolve things, maybe look for a better job.

Most likely false. If this is true and you didn't just copy the statistic (Thank you #3) if you accept any kind of extras of bonus's, health care, anything like that, it's reflected in your pay. Not to mention tax. I really hope you're not stupid enough to calculate after tax.

bingbongbingbong 11

Are you younger then them ? there is such a thing as a junior wage , if not that's bull sh#t

monnanon 13

there is a slight scale. you get paid differrntly at 16 and 21 and 25 (depending on the job) none of those have a 15% difference.

aubama_fml 15

That doesn't mean she should(At this point). Suing isn't the solution for everything.

Why are people pressing 'you deserved it'? HOW IS IT HER FAULT?

Don't you know she chose to be born female? Jeez, people, use that common sense! She knew she was coming into a world that would treat her like a second class citizen so she has no right to complain!

timss4 19

Maybe they earned raises, have better prior schooling, or maybe the boss is into men lol who knows?

Been there a few times myself. I preferred finding jobs that would treat me right. Too many lawsuits. While I'm not familiar with the laws there, the companies usually have loopholes to justify it. All during does is make for a hostile work environment.

monnanon 13

in the UK you are legally bound to pay people the same if they do the same job although many companies seem to be getting away with all sorts of things now. OP should check with other females in her job to see if they are paid the same. if all females are paid the same and all males are paid the sane her case will be easier to prove.