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By FlyingPain - 05/08/2016 11:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that I need to get a root canal, the only day I can get an appointment is on the same day I'm flying out for training for my new job. I can't get out of either, so now need to face my fear of flying and fear of dentists the same day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 839
You deserved it 1 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's the perfect day to go skydiving, and get a pet tarantula. All while being in the dark of course.

Well, we have your "pretty sure" verses the OP's explicit statement that she can't get out of it. Who will win this epic battle?!


It's the perfect day to go skydiving, and get a pet tarantula. All while being in the dark of course.

I'm pretty sure you can reschedule a root canal, I know my dentist allows it.

Well, we have your "pretty sure" verses the OP's explicit statement that she can't get out of it. Who will win this epic battle?!

Or check the schedule of a different dentist.

I'm just saying, what would happen if she misses the appointment, she can't get fired like she would if she missed her training, the worst that can happen is going to a different dentist.

some dentists, like other doctors, will charge you a few for missing an appointment, or even just showing up more than 15 minutes late

If it's an abscessed tooth, no, you really can't!

Abscessed tooth? Yeah. Can confirm. Thanks for bringing back the painful memories.

Aww that sucks. Be confident, maybe this is how you get over the fears!

score some sweet painkillers from the dentist for the flight, then drink the liquor on the flight. you will literally be dead and unable to care about the petty things that bothered you in life! no need to thank me, im just here to help.

cootiequeen4444 11

yes. take prescription painkillers then drink yourself to sleep via liquor on your flight. that sounds really smart. not. no. don't do that. that's an accident waiting to happen. the kind you don't wake up from. on an unrelated note. Trump ads be ruining this app for me. maybe just extra meh cuz its baby's first mobile app prez race ad..

cootiequeen4444 11

Trump-infused rage made me not read past first sentence. kinda glad I was in the wrong really. if anyone really gave that advice... actually..idk.. I feel I keep putting a limit on a person's ability to be stupid only to be proven wrong. but yeah. at least the only stupidity this time was from me lol

Well, you're going to have to do both eventually. Might as well do one while still on the adrenaline from the other! ;P

Get some super strong painkillers for after the root canal so you can be flying high while you're flying high.

She can probably score some Valium from a doctor if she tells them she's anxious about the surgery and the flight

WTF - You cannot schedule the root canal? Try harder to reschedule.

OP might be in severe pain and need the root canal done ASAP. She might not be able to postpone or wait. Also, going to another dentist might not be an option because she might have to wait for an appointment with a new dentist.

jcash52426 5

Can't you see if you can get the dentist to work around your take off time. Ex your flight is at 6pm and you get your root canal done 8,9or 10am so you get last min thing done

Time isn't the issue. The issue is that OP is afraid of both the dentist and flying. It's having to face two of her fears on the same day.