By poor_college_kid - 15/09/2016 12:39 - United States - Tucson
Same thing different taste
By boned - 27/01/2010 05:25 - United States
By AlreadyInDebt - 26/01/2011 08:52 - United States
By latepayer - 13/10/2009 15:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/03/2018 19:00
By Geezum Crow - 06/12/2018 17:30
By graphite01 - 01/11/2016 04:08 - United States - Eugene
By Anonymous - 02/10/2009 04:46 - United States
By Whoneedsgradschool - 20/04/2017 20:00
By Imthatfirstguy1 - 10/04/2018 15:00
By effme - 01/06/2010 06:05 - United States
Top comments
Fight that shit! I'm sure it'll be awarded as back pay
I just watched something very similar to this on shameless...
That problem should be fixable. You should further discuss that with your school's business office
People misspell my name all the time - even when I spell it out to them. When my mum was a child she always had teachers telling her that her name (not just the spelling) was wrong and that she actually meant something else. It's frustrating and people are morons who don't pay attention. I expect whoever transcribed OP's data was one such person
Higher education: screwing over the student population since its creation.
well, you've got the same amount of "you life sucks" as you're actual dept to your college.. lol oh ye your life sucks
Was that your mistake or the Colleges? Because if it was theirs they certainly shouldn't penalise you for it!
Educate your college. It's unacceptable for them to penalize you for minor errors such as name misspellings.