By Anonymous - 11/04/2016 00:18 - Canada - Maple

Today, I found out that my best friend's psycho ex-girlfriend has been stalking me on social media for the past few months, when she contacted me asking why I was holding hands with him in a picture from over two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 403
You deserved it 1 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably time to start blocking her where ever you can, don't need no negativity in your life!:)

Block her everywhere and if she makes new accounts and keeps stalking you get the police involved


Not with the new app, it's really annoying. I can't see location or gender anymore.

Why have an open account? Set it to privet.

1: you Two holding hands is none of her business regardless of what kind of friendship or relationship you have 2: definitely block her if she is going that far back into your social media and questioning you about it.

block her and put your account on private. if it's a private account which I'm assuming it is then there really is no need to have it public anyway. put your posts and pics private.

She's not stalking you. She's stalking him. You're the perceived threat. Better warn him too!

maybe they were together at the time and she's clearly not over him and is simply wondering if he cheated on her with you..or she doesn't know she's the ex? op, tell your friend about it and ask him what he wants to do about if first.

maybe you are interpreting too much into her question and supposing she isn't psychotic, and still friends with him too, she might just be searching for the reason they broke up..don't judge too soon

this is when you respond. becuase we were in love

RunawayOrange 1

You obviously have no obligation to respond to such a message, but sometimes it can be really hard to go through a break up where you doubt that the person was ever emotionally loyal to you. I wouldn't write her off as psycho. Maybe your friend didn't treat her very well when they were together and she's trying to make sense of everything. Maybe she feels betrayed and confused and is wondering if there was more going on between you guys. If that picture of you holding hands was taken when they were together, I would say she has a right to be upset about it, because neither of you were treating her with respect. My best friend for years was a guy (I'm a female), and I could never understand why his girlfriend would get so upset about some of our behaviour because "we had been friends for years", but over time (and having had experienced it myself from the perspective of the girlfriend) I've learned how hurt and confused she had been and I wish that we had been more respectful to her. Maybe this girl just isn't over him yet and is trying to find answers to help herself move on.