By ljcxo17 - 01/07/2011 08:49 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me. But not to worry, he said she's only in town for a week then he's done with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 282
You deserved it 4 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Go **** a 119 year old male stripper. Then proceed to say "No worries his going to a better place in a couple of days"

And you can't even give him a week? Poor boy! (that was a joke, and even though I say so I'm gonna get flamed :))) )


mismonroe 0

I hate dumpasses. Dumb him!

elpacino32605 0

lol hilarious!! I almost dumbed in my pants!!

bubbarific 0

lol u guys r funny, i gotta go to the bathroom now and take a dumb

Babydoll4ever 7
IndiRae 9

If you gunna break a combo you gotta be confident. Don't ask questions,just ******* do it, bro.

MaskingTape 2

I'm available for a week of retaliation sex, OP. You could use a vacation..

enonymous 8

Did you schedule this in outlook?

haha wow, sounds like when my girlfriend at the time said she 'wasn't actually cheating'.. no, but you were emailing a guy you used to ****, another you wanted to **** with naked pictures of yourself and talking about meeting them again and what you would do with them... ****! haha

so did she actually **** them while w you? give her that she didn't actually do it. l

I think you mistook the comment button for the submit an FML button.

mintcar 9

104, I agree. 23, and a third and fourth guy she wanted to **** and actually ******?

so she ****** with four guys? all in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship? wtf? why would either of you stay? unless you deserved it and knew it. and took her shit out of guilt. good luck with that

na all cheaters suck. but moronic to judge someone else when your shit is just as stinky. heal your wounds let go of the past. its worthless if you won't allow yourself to grow and change from that experience. you deserve it 24. hanging on to that miserable memory just brings out negativity and attracts it like a magnet. misery loves company. reject that negative energy flow. good luck! good energy waves sent your way!

cheating is still cheating just dump him

This guy obviously doesn't know the meaning of an honest committed relationship'....but at least he was a bit honest.

The good news is it's only a week, the bad news is you have a douche of a boyfriend. I'm pretty sure your post should read "Today, my ex-boyfriend..."!

The second part of that is exactly what I was thinking...

it's nice that he's so considerate :/ asshole