By Akestarr - 02/12/2013 13:28 - United States - Georgetown

Today, I found out that my dad paid for my sister's friend's airplane ticket so she could attend my sister's wedding. I would have been there myself, but I couldn't afford the airplane ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 370
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder what your sister's friend did with your father to earn that plane ticket.

luckyone365 7

Damn, Socrates. How did you figure that one out?


You cant just assume he'll provide for you , your sisters friend probably is in your dads debt

Sounds like you need to cut off the family trips till they start appreciating you

whathefuckislife 11

well... this may not be so unfair on your father's part. it depends on the family dynamic. I know I'd prefer my friends at my wedding rather than my sister, if push came to shove.

get a dog..dads love dogs...uh big dog that is.

Sounds like u need not invite them to an important event of yours!

Maybe the friend can take care of your dad when he's old instead of you. No matter what the background is about the ticket, that hurts.