By ujellybro234 - 01/12/2015 16:52 - United States - Brown City
ujellybro234 tells us more.
Hey OP here and wow didnt think this would pass! To all those people saying I should have stood up for myself earlier in my childhood I have one question. How was I, a 5'8'', 120 pound boy, supposed to fight off the 6 foot 200 pound lineman on our football team? Think before you comment. I wouldn't stand a chance.
Top comments
You can date your ex's childhood bully now
Give him your lunch money and he'll go away.
Marty! We have to go back!
Lester Nygaard, is that you?
You never kid a man in the money maker. ****. The pain......
Always comes out on top...let's hope she didn't know it was your bully either way time to move on...
Op you don't want revenge in this situation if that's what you thinking but what you can do is leave the bitch and find someone else asap
The bully still wins, but this time, kick her to the curb and kick him in the nuts. Completely the right thing to do.
Their loss. Now you can find someone who deserves you. :)