By fatty milkshakes - 29/01/2013 22:56 - United States

Today, I found out that my roommate has been switching my protein powder with chocolate milk mix and brown sugar. Since I work out frequently, I've been consuming large amounts of this and have gained at least 10 pounds of fat. His reason? I turned his bookbag inside out. Once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 163
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

Don't mess with a man's book bag, man. It ain't right.


Psycho_Babydoll 26

Didn't the taste/smell give it away?

SnoochBoochie 14

Revenge at it's finest. It takes dedication to stick with a plan. Seems to me your buddy has more then you do. As said before you had to be consuming whey more then needed to gain 10 lbs with a decent without routine.

How the hell could you not notice anything? Protein shakes have a different taste, a different smell and a different consistence, there's no way to confuse it with a chocolate mix.

How could you not tell? They taste nothing alike... You need to get your taste buds checked.

Looks like you have a prank war. What's your next move?

farewellthebeast 8

I call bs you would definitely know the difference one tastes super sweet and the the protein shake like crap.

Chocolate milk is actually one of the best things to consume after a workout, so either you haven't been working out as much as you say you are, or you're drinking way too much of that