Good tasting

By Anonymous - 15/12/2019 03:00 - Canada - Saint-hubert

Today, my roommate left those powdered donuts in the kitchen. Hungry, I decided to try one. Turns out, the white powder wasn't sugar. It was cocaine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 062
You deserved it 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why we don’t eat food that doesn’t belong to us.


This is why we don’t eat food that doesn’t belong to us.

Lexie 7

Cocaine is expensive. Nobody would waste it on donuts, you barely would get an effect if you eat cocaine

Not to mention, how loaded is the roommate to have enough coke to "sprinkle" it like conf sugar?

Right. Cocaine is super expensive and I find it hard to believe someone wasted it on donuts.

Coke isn’t as expensive as you people are acting like it is

Unfortunately that is too true. Though I’ve never heard of it consumed this way and an odd way to transport.

get him arrested when it comes to something like the **** the snitches rule