By fatty milkshakes - 29/01/2013 22:56 - United States

Today, I found out that my roommate has been switching my protein powder with chocolate milk mix and brown sugar. Since I work out frequently, I've been consuming large amounts of this and have gained at least 10 pounds of fat. His reason? I turned his bookbag inside out. Once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 163
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

Don't mess with a man's book bag, man. It ain't right.


How are you so dumb that you couldn't notice the difference?

That is why you never start a prank war with somebody smarter than you.

The protein powders I've used are not over sweet, whereas chocolate milk mix and brown sugar would be... Although if you work out a lot and still gained 10lbs of fat you're probably drinking too many "protein" shakes. Protein supplements are meant to help your body with muscle growth and recovery post work out.

This is like the guy version of Mean Girls. Remember when they gave that girl "Swedish diet bars" but they were actually weight gain bars? Anyway, FYL OP.

Sounds like OP's roommate doesn't understand the concept of proportionality.

If this is the roomies proportional response to a bookbag turned inside out, I can only imagine what roomie will do if OP retaliates.

GogoTheGreat 12

Bet your ass you won't do that again!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Get a new roommate ASAP because your current one is a passive aggressive bitch.