By fatty milkshakes - 29/01/2013 22:56 - United States

Today, I found out that my roommate has been switching my protein powder with chocolate milk mix and brown sugar. Since I work out frequently, I've been consuming large amounts of this and have gained at least 10 pounds of fat. His reason? I turned his bookbag inside out. Once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 163
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

Don't mess with a man's book bag, man. It ain't right.


I get the impression that most roomates are dicks when reading FML.

They are. This is why I choose to live alone. People be crazy!

Yeah, I am kinda nervous about going to university now. Perhaps I'll find my own flat...

andrealovvve 17

Chocolatey-brown sugar goodness compared to protein powder? I mean, wouldn't u taste the difference right away? Or at least I would.

babipie109 7

Now it is time to do it every time :)

Should of slapped him a bit, never **** around with a man and his protein shake, and you... Do you drink protein shakes full of sugar? On ya bike son

The bad thing is, now you're addicted to this counterproductive concoction. Want good advice? Don't have a cow, man. Just "don't" do it. Cowabunga!

mangoboy1 19

I know how you feel if I waS you I'd beat the shit out of your roommate fitness is everything to me

Same here. I'd be so pissed it wouldn't be funny. Now's the time to get revenge.

Jon15805 7

You must not have any taste. because out of all the protein shakes I've had I don't believe any of them tasted a bit like chocolate milk mix and brown sugar.