By sonwhy - 25/02/2014 00:51 - United States - Brookfield

Today, I found out that my son set up a telescope in the attic not so he could study astronomy like he told me, but so he could spy on the girl across the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 664
You deserved it 7 270

Same thing different taste

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you can't genuinely be surprised right? young males means one track minds, and that track has nothing to do with stars lol

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Wizardo 33

Hehehehe Monica... but seriously take the telescope away before he hurts himself.

idk why this is downvoted. quality reference.

arandomusernameaa 20

"before he hurts himself" like fapping too much and making a nice hand sculpture in his penis?

You should probably stop this immediately, just to make sure that he doesn't get accustomed to violating the privacy of others. You could also tell him that it's for his own benefit, since society[read: everyone at school] would look at him with utter disgust should this behaviour become known to others.

That's not very nice. Take it from him!

Your neighbors are Russian spies. Your son was tasked with keeping an eye on them in the fight against communism!

Looking for Uranus? You thought astronomy when it was really anatomy. Full moon ahead!