I hear you telephone thing, listening in
By Anonymous - 09/05/2023 22:00

By Anonymous - 09/05/2023 22:00
By looz - 29/12/2008 07:21 - France
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 05:20 - United States
By drinkdrankdrunk - 27/09/2013 07:33 - Canada - Edmonton
By badluckryan - 25/09/2012 13:38 - United States - Uxbridge
By ineedanotherdrink - 07/08/2009 09:43 - United States
By CP19JK12KH - 03/01/2010 09:56 - United States
By Clader - 10/12/2008 03:09 - France
By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 20:21 - United States
By depressed - 22/02/2010 07:23 - United States
By pocketrocket90 - 08/08/2014 06:05 - Australia - Capalaba
is that a new saying for sex? I don't know what your trying to say
idk man. if she was drunk she might regret it
Well, you had like 4 months to actually meet her and you didn't. So someone else did. How long did you expect her to wait?
Yeah... Sorry about that mate, these things happen. I guess in future, check for red flags like excessive stalling. I know that we all overcommit to these online things to the point where we will build the perfect person in our head around what we know about the actual person who may be nothing like that. Anyway, if she is not as committed to meeting you as you are to her, cut and run. After a few one sided courtships myself, I can report that when it comes from both sides it really is awesome. Hang in there.
A little less conversation, baby, a little more action. I'll bet the dude banging her was an Elvis fan. He was giving her a hunka-hunka burning love while you moped around in Heartbreak Hotel, ya hound dog.
Wow, she answered the phone while the dude was banging her? And he turns out to be her husband? I think it worked out for the best in the end
is that a new saying for sex? I don't know what your trying to say
Well, you had like 4 months to actually meet her and you didn't. So someone else did. How long did you expect her to wait?