By Anonymous - 19/04/2009 19:21 - United States

Today, I found out that the girl I've been in love with for a long while got back together with her ex boyfriend because he had confessed his true feelings to her through a note in her locker. It was my note. FML
I agree, your life sucks 115 331
You deserved it 11 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Irishwarriorking 0

That really sucks, but you really should of put your name on it to prevent that kind of mix-up.


cheese1756 0

Tell her it was yours! I know you might be afraid, nervous, etc (that is why you left a note instead of telling her) but even if she rejects you (which I don't think she will do if she loved the note that much) you will always know that you tried and that is all that matters. TELL HER YOUR TRUE FEELINGS AND DON'T LET THAT EX-JERK TAKE CREDIT FOR IT!

ohhhhshizzz 0

#56: And this is why I'm glad you think like that, so you don't reproduce. Just remeber to wrap it up, no need for other losers like you. #77: So what if they didn't want to put their name on this FML post, who cares. #87: I can bet you don't even have a gf. And yeah OP you kind of needed to sign your name and if you did and it just so happens that you and her bf have the same name then I can see that happening. You need to go tell her. He may be in H.S and I think it is sweet when guys do things like that. Seriously go tell her, and talk about the note all that it said. And hope for the best.

That's what you get for not telling her eye to eye.

Next time say it to her face, or don't say it at all.

:/ I somewhat agree. Probably should've done it face to face. But come on, easier said than done, people. You should tell the girl YOU wrote the note! Good luck.

Funnybunny_fml 3

1st tell her it was you 2nd kick her ex boyfriend stupid little ass 3rd make fun of him muhahahaha!!!

bmoses 0

you definately deserved that. be a man and tell it to her face. that prevents any mix ups. and if ur gonna write a note. just text it so then again. no chance of a mix up

they ll break up soon anyways.... their relationship is based on a lie... just wait to be the hero and be like well actually i wrote that but i didnt want to tell you cuz you seemed so happy with dick face over there. then your a hero. and its not a lie.

HappyAznKid96 0

damn did you tell her that?