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By StratMan - 28/05/2011 16:44 - United States

Today, I worked up the courage to confess my feelings to this girl I'm crazy about. I even wrote and recorded a song for her. Instead of listening to it, she gave it to her ex-boyfriend, who responded to my heartfelt words by headbutting me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 038
You deserved it 7 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ex-boyfriend? what the hell? You deserve better.

That's enough of these confessing feelings to someone who barely knows you. Enough. In order to avoid this FML, instead of recording a song, buying a whole bunch of flowers candies and stuffed animals, driving across the country, renting billboard space, sticky noting cars, or doing anything of the such, go up to the girl and say, "hey, I've thought you were cute for a while now and I was wondering if I could maybe get your number." If she says no, move on.


Ex-boyfriend? what the hell? You deserve better.

Yeah... MUCH better. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with her?

imacreeper 3

She probably thought you were coming off as me, a creeper.

Idonebeenhad 17

That's enough of these confessing feelings to someone who barely knows you. Enough. In order to avoid this FML, instead of recording a song, buying a whole bunch of flowers candies and stuffed animals, driving across the country, renting billboard space, sticky noting cars, or doing anything of the such, go up to the girl and say, "hey, I've thought you were cute for a while now and I was wondering if I could maybe get your number." If she says no, move on.

shortie916 0

Wtf? OP sounds like a sweet guy :) That girl and her ex are bitches!!!!

So Sowwy Shawty. Foo, lemme tell ya somtin biatch. i want yall ta no im no liar. i heer dis befo. dis aint notin new. now doncha br fooing wit us chuu messer. ggiirrll got some trouble but dis aint no original.

PurpleRae420 0

What a total bitch I agree you deserve MUCH better than that two bit TRAMP!!!

HeaRTs_Girl 0

And 45: Calm down. Breathe. Chill the **** out. It's FML, enjoy it. And hell, they probably already knew each other. I'm not saying these big romantic gestures are always appropriate, but whatever, some people dig them I guess. Plus people put in a lot of work to do them. So it is what it is. ^_^

shortie916 0

55- what the hell did you just write???

i just twin to tell chuu it kay. yeww can still be yeww. chuu jus gotta believe. dis fml aint no original. but chall no i no fooin around. i aint some black kid i no wat wat.

Excuse me, what the he'll are you talking about?

66 i say who say wat say wen i say chu say kayy??

So... Are you in choir, because that would explain alot.

a_nutritionist 10

he deserves better why? because he confesses his feelings to girls? so...i suppose then any random idiot in a bar saying "i wanna **** you" deserves better than this... im not saying he deserves to be hit, but to claim he deserves better without knowing ANYTHING about the guy is just stupid. heres what we know about the guy: hes creepy and he goes for girls with psycho ex boyfriends. yeah, candidate for citizen of the year right there.

sephoraprincess 7

ouch op, sounds like some bull :/ (pun intended)

TheTAJ 1

#66..."What the he will are you talking about?"

I meant to say hell, my phone automatically puts in an apostrophe and I forgot to fix it.

Exeedingmango 0

I could just imagine your Afro saying that.. Hehe..

I thought Chuck Norris beardbutted people.

KiddNYC1O 20

Chuck Norris sucks. There, I said it.

Chuck Norris jokes are dead since everyone uses his name so often. Bruce Lee can pwn his ass :D

a_nutritionist 10

their wrong what? please finish the story, we are dying to know! cliffhangers suck.

is her name Veronique Fernandez? because then I can understand why this happened.

Exactly what I thought my friend. Far too harsh on the poor guy.

lakeybalboa 0

who the **** writes a song for a girl when they aren't even in a relationship

God_Hates_Flags 3

You'll get over her.. obv she's not the one or it's just bad timing.

I thought this too. It just doesn't make any sense. Why would she give it to her ex? Why, without even listening to it, would this provoke a head-butting? I just want to take both of them and lock them up.

yea, who the **** does that guy think he is?zidane?

badbe 0

lol whoa you're nuts to do that to a girl already with someone

You must be stupid. Try reading it again.

It says EX boyfriend in the FML...may want to read that again.

bbaustin_roy17 0

who cares if she was "with" someone anyway.....ain't no ring on her finger

Ya because EX boyfriend means she's still dating the guy

*pinches bridge of nose* Ok, just HOW stupid are you?

soccer1416 0

she is a bitch u r gonna find someone better than her

orangeduck 6

then shove his head up your butt crack

massacreman3000 1

he had no right, send him to jail with an assault charge

UnicornPukePink 0

Why did he headbutt you? Maybe I'm slow, but I don't get it. :

UnicornPukePink 0

I guess that would make sense. ;)

are you sure that he is still her ex boyfriend?

TheDrifter 23

That's what I was thinking, that she was only single in op's mind.

ryanebk 7

are you sure writing a song for her instead of just straight up asking her out was a better idea? makes you seem like a creep