By Becca_Jo - 06/01/2016 04:19 - United States - Caledonia

Today, I found out that the only reason my "friend" comes over to my apartment is so that she can charge her phone using my electricity, because she's too cheap to use her own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 054
You deserved it 1 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is the cost of electricity to power a phone really that significant?

If I were you, I'd say something. They don't sound like a very good friend and you should be treated better.


too cheep to pay her bills and has no electricity at home? than you are a good friend helping her out..I believe that when someone doesn't get paid enough for their time, it's not their's the fault of society..working poor is really a problem now days..everywhere sadly :((

What a crap friend. If I were you, I'd tell her to get her own electricity, or contribute to your bill.

Next time, just open the door, say "Sorry, I moved out" and close it right at their face.

Unless she had her electricity turned off, I don't believe she is saving to much by doing this.

Whispra 5

Considering the insignificant amount of energy it takes to charge a phone, she must be living like a caveman at home.

this is just stupid. it costs a very small amount to charge a phone.