By bluesox4 - 06/02/2012 05:50 - United States

Today, I found out that the only thing worse than a psycho, overbearing, controlling girlfriend is a psycho, overbearing and controlling ex-girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 277
You deserved it 4 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is one thing worse, having a psycho, overbearing, controlling ex girlfriend who is the mother of your children.

Testicles are very sensitive, so If he were to suddenly grows a pair then that would make him even more vulnerable. If you want him to be tough then he should lose a pair. If you want him to be REALLY tough then he should grow a ****** -- those things can really take a pounding


There is something worse than a psycho, overbearing and controlling ex-girlfriend. The "we-didn't-break-up-it-was-just-a-fight-now-we-can-get-married" kind of ex-girlfriend.

StopDropNRoll 11

I would categorize that under psycho.

OP, Give her a taste of her own medicine perhaps ? That could cure her

Surely it's better because you haven't got to put up with it anymore?

xStaciexLynnx 15

Except the point of the FML is the he does have to put up with it because apparently she won't go away.

1JDub 6

Simple fix....bang her sister, then you will just be an asshole ex boyfriend. If she dont have will do! Giggity Giggity.

Pretend to be gay. That'll scare her away

Cml3996 12

Ahh, but both those are better than a psycho, overbearing, controlling wife!

perdix 29

If she's so controlling, how did she allow you to break up with her?

ToxicxKitten 9

She didn't. She just let him think that...

You know one of those you can file a restraining order against.

Those psycho, overbearing, controlling women tend to be wild in bed. How could you let that go? What, you don't like whips, handcuffs, and getting your scrotum waxed?