By StupidApple - 25/05/2011 00:02

Today, I found out that whenever I send my son to his room, he goes on his iPod and buys the most expensive apps he can find. So far I've been charged $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 858
You deserved it 53 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well take his ipod and don't give him any money till the 600$ are paid off. Can parents not raise their children anymore, that's just sad.

cdawg145236 1

your lucky he hasn't found the $999.99 apps yet


thisismylife294 2

168 you and your friend are really hot!!!

dstluke 7

Cancel that shit asap little ******

Iamme30069 5

Two options 1 take the ipod and never give it back 2 beat his ass

red61977 9

Time to start kicking his ass and selling his shit. You are the parent. They will do whatever you let them. Why did it get pass the first purchase?

Heathtastic 10

Just sell his stuff until you have enough to pay the bill then ground his ass till he forgets what the sun looks like.

Um...set the restrictions you dummy!!!!