By StupidApple - 25/05/2011 00:02

Today, I found out that whenever I send my son to his room, he goes on his iPod and buys the most expensive apps he can find. So far I've been charged $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 858
You deserved it 53 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well take his ipod and don't give him any money till the 600$ are paid off. Can parents not raise their children anymore, that's just sad.

cdawg145236 1

your lucky he hasn't found the $999.99 apps yet


be thankful he hasnt found the security camera app that costs $899.99

Take away the iPod, make him pay you back with money that he earns himself (ie. not allowance money), and don't let him near a computer, television, or other fun-inducing device. If that doesn't teach him, try the Dog Whisperer.

change your username from "StupidApple" to 'StupidParent'

Wow you're a moron! Letting him keep his iPod and leaving your credit card attached to the iTunes account. YDI!

If your son is old enough to have an iPhone / iPod touch, he is too old to be sent away in his room. And if he is still enough young to be sent in his room, it means he is still too young to possess an iPhone, especially linked with a credit card.

take the money out of his bank account

terran36 0

i wouldnt wast it,i wouldnt buy useless and singuler apps,i would buy the top 100 apps

vmonsterbee 0
DisappearingRose 18

Take his iPod away and make him do more chores or get a job. That's what a good parent would do.