By rivercitybarf - 08/08/2009 08:48 - United States

Today, I found out that worms in apples aren't something that you just see in cartoons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 709
You deserved it 6 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you know the apple is less likely to be full of pesticides.....


indianabummer 0

What's worse then biting into a piece of fruit and finding a worm? Finding half a worm.

MoooMooMooMooMoo 0

Tell you what's worse then finding half a worm? Finding out you have aids.. o_O

lol I learned that when I was 4 :p

Thats why you cut apples in quarters. Just saying.

Where have you been living? Under a rock? A big one?

TheGalwaySpirit 20

You know what's worse? Realising there was a worm inside the ferrero rocher that you have already taken a bite out of. And you found this out after feeling something squishy in your mouth.