By Anonymous - 17/12/2011 07:47

Today, I found out the hard way what it sounds like when you take the first letter of my first name, A, and put it with my last name, Hole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 714
You deserved it 3 893

Same thing different taste


You should consider changing your name. Many job applications, doctor schedules and such require just the first letter of your name and your last name. You do not want to be apointed to as Mr/Mrs. Hole or Mr/Mrs. Ahole.

Wait til you get to college / start a career. Wait til you get assigned an email address based on the template of first initial, last name. Maybe you could be "andyh" instead.

I had a english teacher named ms. dick, her class was right next to my math teacher ms. busch (pronounced bush)

There's a guy whose last name is "Lagacé Dostie". It sounds so much like "l'ostie d'agace", which is a big insult in french. It means something like "f***ing tease"!!! Poor guy.....

My dad also had a patient named "Guirlande De Noël" which means something like "Christmas wreath". "De Noël" sounds like a usual last name though, but her first name is so weird lol! The girl was from Haiti and sometimes they give funny names over there. I also remember two kids in elementary school named "Pacifique" - "Pacific" and "Dieudonné" - "God given"... They were Haitian as well. So funny but at least it doesn't mean anything bad!

bubo_fml 10

What's in a name? Well...In your case...Possibly; A. Finger? A. Thumb? A. Tounge? A. Dill? M.Y. Dick?

Hey my step dads is P. Nuss. Now say that outloud

luckymagruder 4

I say too: How is it you just now learned of this?