By Anon - 18/08/2010 04:30 - United States
Same thing different taste
By lawoman27 - 01/07/2009 04:08 - United States
By kiki - 05/08/2010 18:24 - United States
By Jololol - 17/05/2013 09:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/06/2014 19:52 - United States
Named and shamed
By unwanted - 01/04/2020 05:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 01/06/2019 22:00
By Anonymous - 21/05/2010 12:07 - United Kingdom
By Jes - 28/06/2016 00:44
By why - 05/04/2011 15:25 - United States
By DEDMan - 28/10/2018 17:30
Top comments
Fuhohohoho...and I thought Folly's name was cruel... I cannot see any reason why anyone could deserve this.
Anyone know what the real name is?
anyone know why everyone calls ppl with the name Richard as dick
I've wondered that for years myself and I still don't get it...
suck it up OP. if you don't like your name consider getting it changed? I love being an ass =D
haha, win on your parents part.
I think it would be worse if your parents named you 'burden' for a reason If your parents didn't know, it doesn't matter...
30 thats what i thought too... this is definitely fake cuz the other one was worded exactly the same way.
Dick has been the standard shortened form (nickname) for Richard for hundreds of years. The fact that the same word became used as slang for penis is *probably* coincidental. So the real question to ask is: "why did "dick" come to mean penis?" Just as the word "pussy" originally meant a cat - again, I suspect the slang came along later. Lots of other examples: the word "tit" until quite recently only meant "a small bird". It might even have become slang for breast due to the analogy between a breast and a small bird. And far more recently, the word "gay" only meant "very happy". Again, the slang meaning came along later.
yea it was a girl who's dad named her penis in freanch
it's funny because they think you are a pain
Lego you switched things up. Agree 27 if you drew that; very good! To not sure what number with the rant, very true.. now post answers as to why please!
Also, when you use "pussy" to call out a person who is weak or cowardly, it's actually the shortened form of the word "pusillanimous". Fun fact.
Wrong--It means "Whiner".
what's burden?
FYL for thinking you parents didn't think you were a burden. You deserved it for having that name.
53 WTF r u playin on the computer??
27- agree with the rest. very good. unless you didn't draw it. but it's still good. I love maximum ride.
you are the biggest arse in your comments!!! you are also very rank in you pic
4- u look like ur about to cry XD
I think OP probably meant to say that their parents did infect know when they named them.
#73 EVE Online.
Isn't this a repost? I read the same one a few weeks ago, except instead of the name meaning 'burden', it meant penis in French.
it's like when foreign people name their kid ****** cause they think it's a pretty name
... Noob OP worded his second sentence wrong... He copied an FML (trust me, he did), but couldn't ******* word it correctly.
Ever met anyone named Richard?
They knew, you idiot. It clearly states that in the fml.
I think it's Richard to Rick to Dick
Sucks to be you
that's a bummer!! lol
also, in response to "This wouldn't be so bad if both my mother and father knew this when they named me." : i think it would have been much worse if both your mom & dad had known what it meant when they named you. knowingly naming your child BURDEN...haha that's so messed up.
I think OP may have worded it incorrectly, and meant that both parents did in fact know the meaning.
i figured so much, but you really just never know, so I pointed it out anyway. =X
Thats not bad at all. I wanna name my daughter Calamity which means disaster. LOL
.... but they did?
Hey that means they DID know. Herp derp
Prove em wrong kiddo... prove em wrong. ;-)
they may have meant to?
Amasa? That's the only name I can find meaning burden :)
People name their children a lot worse than this. Be happy you're not named after a sexual organ or sexually transmitted disease simply because your parents were ignorant and thought the word sounded interesting. I've seen children named ****** and Chlamydia because their teenage ghetto mothers thought they were "pretty words".

Fuhohohoho...and I thought Folly's name was cruel... I cannot see any reason why anyone could deserve this.
Prove em wrong kiddo... prove em wrong. ;-)