By ObeseCaveDweller - 16/01/2010 07:26 - United States

Today, I found out what I look like drunk and naked while swinging a tennis racket thanks to a picture message forwarded to just about everyone I know and some I don't. Among the numbers the text was sent to was a familiar one. My mom's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 021
You deserved it 30 642

ObeseCaveDweller tells us more.

ObeseCaveDweller 0

This sounds strangely familiar. Oh, that's right, it was me that this happened to

Top comments

perdix 29

At least your mom will know that all that money she spent on tennis lessons has finally paid off! I hope you demonstrated the proper grip and follow-through.

DanielleTheOne 3

LOL everyones hating on you man :( lol dont worry about it.. Everyone will get over it haha. And dont listen to these fucknuts saying "YDI for being drunk" because people get drunk all the time and you sound like a funny drunk where as i know a lot of angry drunks and violent drunks. Your better off making people laugh then making them cry lol.


HighLife19 0

People are so goddamn retarded when they're drunk. Lock yourself up next time you drink, so you can stop making such a damn fool of yourself. You asked for it.

hey look, the guy with the pot is calling the guy with a kettle (bottle) black. STFU Moron.

yourkiddingright_fml 0

So don't get drunk and naked!!!!

ObeseCaveDweller 0

This sounds strangely familiar. Oh, that's right, it was me that this happened to

DanielleTheOne 3

LOL everyones hating on you man :( lol dont worry about it.. Everyone will get over it haha. And dont listen to these fucknuts saying "YDI for being drunk" because people get drunk all the time and you sound like a funny drunk where as i know a lot of angry drunks and violent drunks. Your better off making people laugh then making them cry lol.

lol you gotta learn how to hold your liquor

YDI completely. Being drunk and irresponsible leads to bad things. I hate you.

Hate is a strong word, but I really really really don't like you.

That was totally rational until you said "I hate you." Congratulations, all validity removed.

I wonder if that one will go viral and end up everywhere?

xlostwithoutu 0

"Today, I fond out what I look like drunk and naked" I didn't even read any further, YDI

stormin972 0

most of these people are rude and ignorant in the way that they believe it's their job to tell other people what they can or can not do, or what is right and wrong. who are any of us to decide what is right and wrong? i mean we can all agree that no one mind can determine anything because as humans we are flawed. in fact that means that no group of people can either. anyway there is a sort of a good and a bad but 99.99% of the time, there aren't even lines to differentiate cause its all in a grey area. every situation has extenuating circumstances. and other things like this are totally harmless. i mean so what if it shortens your life by a year or so with bad habits? we are all going to die eventually and sooner than we all think. idk about you but i would rather live a perfect 5 years with all great days then a normal 500 years with good and bad days. to each his own is all im trying to say so stop trying to tell people that their choice was wrong cause to a degree it's positive. i mean this is all for entertainment right? and if you really thought this was so "bad" then you wouldn't bother to be on this site in the first place. i say by all means drink, smoke, and have a hell of a time at parties cause you only live once.

jollyjam1 2

Well, that is what you get for doing drugs. You are sad and pathetic.

chrissy888 0

um... learn some reading clearly says the OP was drunk, where the hell does it say anything about drugs?