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By Anonymous - 16/01/2010 09:10 - Australia

Today, I was on a job trial at the local pet shop and, naturally, was doing all the disgusting jobs. As I was cleaning the kittens' litter in the cat enclosure, someone thought it would be funny to lock me in there. I sat in a giant cage in the middle of the store with people laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 479
You deserved it 3 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You should have pretended to be a cat. I'm sure everyone would have cracked up when you started licking your own fur.

saranottelling 7

That's horrible! I hope you weren't trapped in there too long.


saranottelling 7

That's horrible! I hope you weren't trapped in there too long.

DanielleTheOne 3

F**K YOU ASSHOLE!!! i seriously hate these comments!!! "YDI for living _____, YDI for being _____, etc.. I live in Australia aswell. And OP, im really sorry that happend to you.. I hope you get the job and have some revenge on who ever did it.. lol

I know how you feel! I lkive in Aus, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Put a crazy look on your face.. Hold up one of the kittens.. And threaten to *** *** ***.. We'll see who's laughing then.. You might not get the job, though.. XD

lucky! ive always wanted to be locked in a cage! im not kidding!

YDI for getting trapped by thin metal bars on weak-ass hinges...

If it was an employee sue as hazing is illegal EVEN in our Military!!!

hiimme 0

oh my god I had to get my friend out of there like last week

bk_chick13 0

wow that is so mean you didn't deserve that at all I am so sorry

perdix 29

You should have pretended to be a cat. I'm sure everyone would have cracked up when you started licking your own fur.

Honestly I think you're going to have fun working there. I mean normally places are boring and no one really gives a crap about employees. At least they put you through a hazing which probably means that everyone is pretty close and you're probably going to develop close friendships there.

Or it could also mean the people who work there are total assholes with no respect for human decency. I've worked at a few places like that. There's 'friendly' work environment, and then there's 'cult-like group hostile towards outsiders'. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, especially if you can't read social cues.

Awww, you care what total strangers think of you. How sad. But seriously, I think that's pretty funny. Just don't eat the kibble and you should get along fine.