By bankergirl - 16/01/2010 07:22 - United States

Today, I got called into work and I was really excited to earn some extra money. One block from getting there I get pulled over. Apparently my tags were expired, and there goes half a weeks pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 521
You deserved it 27 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

I'm not sure whether I should say FYL or YDI. On the one hand, I know what it means to have to drive on expired plates. My sister had to for awhile because she couldn't afford to get them renewed. (Deadbeat husband, two kids to take care of. The kids' expenses came first, and by the time she was done getting the things she needed for her boys, she didn't have the money to get her plates renewed.) On the other, the way this is written makes me lean toward you deserve it. How did you not know they were expired? I'm torn. I guess I say FYL AND YDI because it sucks that you're going to have to pay all that money, but it is kind of silly that you didn't realize they were expired.

At least now you will have the extra money to pay for it. Those expired tags would have cost you sooner or later anyway. You have to look on the bright side. :)


tsk tsk! ydi, but fyl, i know how it feels to be low on finances :(

inconvienentgurl 0

Hundreds of people get laid off and/or cant get a job w/ the way the economy is with some countries...and your complaining about losing 1/2 of ONE weeks pay???

Your fault for not failing to update them... If a car's too much responsibility for you, you should consider public transit. Save the environment by taking just a little more time : ) Get some exercise by walking to the stops. While saving money.

If your thinking of using a bus, ride one, dont buy yourself your own, that would be stupid. where would you park it. just ride the bus. dont trade in your car for one. Also dont get a job as a bus driver. at this rate, youll probably forget to get your license. or forget to unlock the doors for passengers to get on.

AndelleRae 9

I'm not sure whether I should say FYL or YDI. On the one hand, I know what it means to have to drive on expired plates. My sister had to for awhile because she couldn't afford to get them renewed. (Deadbeat husband, two kids to take care of. The kids' expenses came first, and by the time she was done getting the things she needed for her boys, she didn't have the money to get her plates renewed.) On the other, the way this is written makes me lean toward you deserve it. How did you not know they were expired? I'm torn. I guess I say FYL AND YDI because it sucks that you're going to have to pay all that money, but it is kind of silly that you didn't realize they were expired.

You put way to much thought into whether they deserve it or not get a life :)

AndelleRae 9

Aww, but irking random internet people by over-thinking simple things IS my life. You complete me. :)

Ydi for smelling bad like raven off of that's so raven. In that's so raven, raven Is a teenager that has a brother corey a best friend Chelsea and some dude that follows her and is a third wheel! In one episode raven forgets dioderant and has to wipe orange juice poured on paper towel on her armpits to get that stank off. Oh and did I say RAVEN CAN SEE INTO THE FUTURE ! Amazing stuff people! That's so raven!

Here we have Public Transit but then they stop at 0630 Hours Central Time... Sooo I dunno FYL AND a bit YDI!!!

The tags being expired and your extra day at work have nothing to do with each other. YDI!

"apparently" lol, you're just a feckless lazy ****. YTDI

epoh_fml 0

how could you not know about expired tags? The DMV sends out a letter stating it's time to pay up to renew your tags. So YDI for that part, but the scenario still sucks ass.

They don't do that in all states. Delaware never did, as far as I can recall. Massachusetts stopped doing it for a while because of budgetary constraints, but brought it back when people complained. Still, I've never understood this major issue people seem to have with keeping straight paperwork on motor vehicles.