By Sleuth - 02/09/2018 13:00

Today, I found out why my professor accused me of not handing in an important essay before the due date. Apparently she spilled coffee all over it and didn't dare to tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 307
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I hope she finally gave you the score you deserved and you put in a formal complaint as well because that's not showing a professional work ethic and show's that she doesn't have the ability to admit when she has made a mistake 😤😕😒

And she couldn't, I don't know, ask if you could print another copy?? Some prof.


She spoke the lies of a taHqeq! Feed that Ha'DIbaH to the dogs!

A group of star trek Uber nerds many yrs ago created an entire Klingon language with over 10,000 words and definitions and even started using it so much that the U.S., English, Russian and French government's have Klingon interpreters in their top secret government branches🙄😵

Klingon insults, chief. You'd know that if you weren't a petaQ.

Well I hope she finally gave you the score you deserved and you put in a formal complaint as well because that's not showing a professional work ethic and show's that she doesn't have the ability to admit when she has made a mistake 😤😕😒

TxKitten79 10

You need to bring this up with academic affairs!!!

So, she claimed it was not on time, but latte? I en-Keurig you to espresso the grounds of your anger!

And she couldn't, I don't know, ask if you could print another copy?? Some prof.

Marliedp 3

Most essays are handed in online, which would avoid this..