By Sunshinenwhiskey - 05/05/2016 15:10 - United States - Dallas

Today, I found out why my sister hasn't been answering my texts or phone calls. Her husband blocked my number on her phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 819
You deserved it 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't know why he would do such a thing then it's time to have a talk with him.

Wow I hope she has a serious discussion with him and you should talk to him too. That's some crazy controlling stuff.


I'd say more F Her Life than yours. Yeah, you were ignored but there are clearly some serious jealousy/control issues in that marriage.

EspyPsyche 11

Call the cops and report that your sister is being abused by her husband. If that doesn't get him thrown in jail, beat him within an inch of his life with baseball bats or wrecker bars or something and put him in the hospital. If you can permanently paralyze him, that's perfect.

For blocking her nummber on her phone? Not overreacting at all.....

catanita 18

WOW, that is so rude of him.

OP, that's very worrying, believe me. My dad's wife blocked my number on his cellphone and later murdered my dad. That sounds like an abusive relationship and even though she may not recognize it now, she needs help.

Wow, thats just awful, my heart goes out to you.

I'd find a way to contact her and let other family members know about that; and keep a close on them. Especially him.

There is a difference between being respectful and being an enabler. I'm not saying that you are necessarily enabling the behavior but if you allow this to get in the way of the relationship you have with your sister you aren't doing either one of you any favors. For both her mental health and possibly her physical well-being in the future (Relationships like this can get violent without any history of violence, tell your sister to be careful), talk to her and make sure she knows that she can come to you for help. Be there to support her and let her know it! Good luck

This is classic emotionally abusive and controlling behavior. They are going through exactly what is called "the cycle of abuse," that's what those "phases" are. He starts out nice and caring, abusive relationships are actually quite loving at times, but it never stays that way. Then he starts getting upset over little things, then it gets worse and he starts getting more controlling and manipulative, and then it ends with a blow up where he flies off the rails and for a period of time he's just always angry at everything. Then he apologizes, becomes so sorry and the loving part starts again. If the relationship goes long enough, the loving caring moments become shorter and shorter, and the angry, abusive ones become longer. By criticizing everything she does, even when it's at his request, he is making her feel like she can't do anything right and like she's useless. He blocks people out of her life so she has no lifeline to turn to, so other people don't notice or see what he's doing to her. I'm sorry, but being bipolar is not an excuse for that, he knows exactly what he's doing, that's why he cut off her contact. I've seen firsthand what this type of relationship does to people, so I'm going to be blunt. Your sister needs to get away from him, by staying and continually being subjected to his behavior, he realizes he can get away with it. When she leaves, she will probably notice the freedom she has and what it's like not to be constantly put down all the time. He also needs help, he needs to go and see someone to work on his issues, which is also why she should leave, often people like this won't get help until they've lost what they cherish most, it's a wakeup call, and he also just needs to focus on himself. For now, you need to support her, build her confidence and courage because it's most likely been torn down and ruined for all these years. Show her that his behavior is not right, that a spouse does not treat their partner like that, and she doesn't have to put up with it. I hope everything gets better OP, especially for your sister, these situations are very hard.