By pottyhostage - 08/11/2010 21:26 - Sweden

Today, I freaked out when I couldn't get my bathroom door open. After ten minutes of panic when thinking about how I'd be stuck there for at least 8 hours until my roommate would get home, and another five mentally going over survival skills, I realized that I had forgotten to unlock the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 884
You deserved it 45 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao! You fail. :) But s'all good.. we all have those kind of moments at some point in our lives 0:-)


This isn't an FML this is an MLIA!!!! haha

nero9112 4

Don't bother getting out. Just turn around and drown yourself in the toilet.

aw dammit! whatever you have all done something like this before.

What's with these Swedes and getting locked into places? o.O

jaa you shouldve have your cellphone with you(:

jaa thats why have your cellphone with you at all times(:

don't breed ever, your the reason for all this.