By luckygirl - 13/10/2015 16:20 - Croatia - Zagreb

Today, I gave my virginity to my boyfriend. All I got in return was rug burn and an infection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 703
You deserved it 6 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

you better put some ice on that... RUG BURN!!


I'm really not sure why everybody is reading "infection" as an STI. It's more than likely OP meant a UTI or thrush (since an STI would make it a bigger FML and probably worth mentioning). Even if her boyfriend gave her an STI, that doesn't mean he's cheating on her. OP didn't say her boyfriend was a virgin. It is possible to get an STI from a previous partner and not know it and pass it on to a current partner (that's actually one of the most common ways STIs are spread). She doesn't need to dump him, but she should talk to him about ways to make sex more comfortable for her.

The logical response isn't to dump someone after one bad sexual experience, especially if it was both of their first times. The response should be to have an adult conversation about it and move on from there. Most first times suck, it happens. But it gets better with communication and practice.

ezrajab 22

You rubbed into that without thinking

whatunicorn 17

Hopefully you used a protection! But first times usually aren't that great to begin with, sorry that happened to you OP but hopefully you can get everything taken care of with your infection and maybe get tested.

I'm sorry I'm lost, how did they walk into that one again?

They said walked right into that one didn't you the word again wasn't there

spacefish966 18

******* is great ! ******* on the floor is unforgiving. I personally like something with a little more give.... just a idea. I hope its not a serious infection and clears up. when you're ready again experiment on as many places as you can and find out what you like..... Good luck and **** like a champ !!

vishwa_evo 15
BeenIt 5