By copmagnet - 15/10/2010 00:43 - United States

Today, I got a $200 bonus at work and was super excited about getting a plane ticket to see my family. On the way back from work I got a $300 speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 515
You deserved it 43 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Is this normal for a speeding ticket? Seems awfully high to me. Unless you're gonna win the grand prize, take it down a notch Speed Racer.


shortyshort21 0

you shouldve drove faster than the cops. duhh

Plead not guilty and see if you can get the fine reduced. Towns just want money, and they're often willing to make a deal if it means avoiding a trial. I once got a speeding ticket for going 47 in a 30 and it was reduced to a $100 parking ticket. BTW, I'd worry more about the points than I would about the actual fine. For moving violations, you end up paying several times the ticket's worth to your insurance company.

fnyunj 3

Don't worry, you also get to spend another $200 on "Traffic School" to get the charge off your driving record. And/Or - pay about $1000 in increases in your insurance premiums over the next 2-5 years. The ONLY way to win, is every time you get in the car, as you turn the keys, you think about where you are going, and why, and you say to yourself: "F-CK IT! Nothing is that g-d d-mned important!" . . . and drive like a 90 year old headed to bingo-night.

The only FML here is that you were super excited over 200 bucks.

All we know is he got a speeding ticket. Doesn't mean he deserved the ticket.