By Anonymous - 22/12/2013 06:56 - Australia - Elwood

Today, I got a call at 4 in the morning from the security company, saying someone had broken into my workplace. I drove an hour out there, only to find out it was a rat that had set off the alarm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 552
You deserved it 3 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe the rat belonged to a rival company which they raised and trained so it can spy on you. Be very careful OP.


Thats better than an actual break in ...

I'm sorry, is this somehow worse than your work actually being burgled?

Not much of an FML, would you rather it had been burglarized?

Why do you live so far from your workplace?

I work for an alarm company and this is fairly common. It's one of those things you just have to deal with because you never know when the real thing could happen.

No joke, this shit happens to my Dad once a month because some asshole on the night shift didn't close the door properly and the wind blew it open and triggered the alarm. He's the daytime warehouse manager, so for twelve hours, the building is his problem (4am-4pm, he actually works 7-3). It ******' blows.