By phishy - 05/03/2015 22:26 - United States - Georgetown

Today, I got a call from a potential employer. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand the man due to his incoherent mumbling. I had to decline the job after asking him to repeat everything he said, over and over again. I still don't know exactly which job I declined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 232
You deserved it 2 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dreamsorrow93 24

It's happened to me before as well. If it was quality work, they really should have employees with better communication skills.


I have a colleague who mumbles and is almost a ventriloquist since he doesn't move his mouth when be speaks. I rarely understand him first time around when he speaks. I also have a gearing imoared colleague and he's told ne before that understanding the other one can be nightmarish.

Lostboy717 11

Congratulations: you passed up the chance to become CEO of Apple

You have potential you have potential?? reminds me of tech geico commercial.

Maybe they found your resume on a job board website and were trying to get you to sell insurance or Avon for them?