By phishy - 05/03/2015 22:26 - United States - Georgetown

Today, I got a call from a potential employer. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand the man due to his incoherent mumbling. I had to decline the job after asking him to repeat everything he said, over and over again. I still don't know exactly which job I declined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 232
You deserved it 2 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dreamsorrow93 24

It's happened to me before as well. If it was quality work, they really should have employees with better communication skills.


Ah I've been in situations where I can't understand the people I work with. It sucks and leads to all sorts of hijinks.

I think you could have just asked them to email you the details or something.. Even say that you were at a busy/loud area and would call back as soon you were in a quiet place and had read the email.

My husband mumbles and it drives me NUTS, I would have said the hell with that job, too...

Why didn't you say the reception was bad and ask for an email?

I believe you have the number you got call least search using number and get the company details and go for it..

You should have at least looked into it more.

If I were you I'd call someone from there and let them know they have someone that no one can understand.

"I've got a bad connection. Can we discuss this at your workplace tomorrow at 10:00?"

I'm the 6666th person to agree your life sucks!

And I get the privilege of being the first person to tell you that there are very few people on the planet who care!! ;)

Hold on though, does that make you the sixth devil?

quarterbird 18

In other words, you made a potentially life-changing decision with no actual knowledge of the situation.