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By married and hates - 19/12/2010 18:51 - United States

Today, I got a call from an ex, demanding to know why my Facebook relationship status was set as married. I got married a few months ago, and I quietly explained this to her. My wife overheard and now thinks I've been cheating all along. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 391
You deserved it 5 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mona_is_here 10

Unless your wife has serious self-esteem and jealousy issues, you can still explain it to her.

Should have been rude about it. That way, you don't have to worry about your ex and your wife will feel good that you "really told her!" Besides she is an ex... who care? Tell her your heart was able to somehow move on and you found someone you love and actually want to marry.


wow that sucks!!!! ur ex is psycho... hope ur wife eventually believes u, buuuuuut wit a psycho ex- the chances may not look too good :-/

#1 knows what she's talkin about, that bitch is a psycho herself!

Don't you just hate baby-mama drama? fo' shizzle.

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

I seriously hope your new relationship with your wife work out as for the psycho why didn't you unfriend her she is your ex for a reason, you can't be friends with your ex.

Cubanloverllera 12

my boyfriend has a psycho **** ex

Why would you accept a call from your ex with your wife around? YDI

yourmurderscenex 13
bee_dee_bee 6

Wow, She is your EX! You don't have to explain shit. You put yourself in that situation, ydi.

very_ugly_girl 0

Agreed, The guy is very stupid for explaining his situation to his ex. They are not together anymore.

very_ugly_girl 0

I am not a troll, and why are you following every comment I make. Freedom of speech you dumb fag comment stalker.

mona_is_here 10

Unless your wife has serious self-esteem and jealousy issues, you can still explain it to her.

Should have been rude about it. That way, you don't have to worry about your ex and your wife will feel good that you "really told her!" Besides she is an ex... who care? Tell her your heart was able to somehow move on and you found someone you love and actually want to marry.

That's when you explain, and if she's still a little mad after that you can have great make up sex.

very_ugly_girl 0

True, make-up sex is always great.

Why would you accept a call from your ex at all? If y'all were friends my bet is that she would have already known you were married. If you aren't friends why bother with the drama?

very_ugly_girl 0

I accept calls from my ex all the time, just want to know what he been up to. Do not care if my husband heard me or not.

sourgirl101 28

You can calmly explain it to your ex but not your wife? Maybe you married the wrong girl. JK, I'm sure things will get sorted out and everything will be fine. Your life sounds like one if those B rated movies that can be fixed if you just speak up! Btw it's really none of you ex's business.

Who/what exactly do you hate? It sounds like you caused your own problems. "Quietly" explained what? Why whisper "I'm married, get over it"? I'm not suspicious by nature but if I heard my husband quietly explaining his marriage to an ex, I'd find it odd to say the least. YD

Quietly doesn't necessarily mean whisper. It could just mean he used his "inside" voice.

I considered that but it seems to me that it wouldn't need to be mentioned then. Most people don't assume a loud "outdoor" voice is used unless otherwise specified. I think he mentioned his quietness to further illustrate how unfortunate it was that his wife "overheard".

i think he was just specifying that he didn't get upset or annoyed that his ex was bothering him about his marriage.

I kind of agree with dragead12, I think it was said more to illustrate that they didn't get angry or anything and treated it as a completely normal conversation. His wife overhearing seems to have only been a problem because she chose to jump to conclusions despite the fact that most people who are going to cheat don't quit cheating once they get married or generally even bother to explain that they are married.

I also think that OP was referring to a quite/ calm Tone as opposed to yelling and getting into a heated conversation etc.

Why would you even talk to your ex...I would have thought the same

very_ugly_girl 0

I talk to my ex all the time even though i am married. Keeping in touch with my past lovers.

I'm sure your husband loves that. You're an idiot if you keep your past lovers on a short leash like that, you know, just in case. Moron.

Why is it so wrong to talk to an ex? It is possible for people to break-up and remain friends. It's not "keeping them on a short leash", it is just keeping in touch and updated on the life of a friend. It would be stupid of her husband to be upset just because she's keeping in touch with an ex. Staying friends does not necessarily equal still wanting to be together or cheating on someone.

wats wrong with talking to an ex? i talk to mine all the time. l

Staying friends with someone after you break up is like when you dog dies keeping it people if you left you ex they may still love you and visa versa