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By Ldp56 - 25/02/2011 18:44 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter's school. Apparently, she was learning about the food pyramid and when she was asked to identify what she had eaten the day before, she said "dog food". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 019
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazziness 12

that's gross what's wrong her cat food is the thing now

No, no, they misheard her. She said "dog, fool". Though I'm not sure that's any better...


jazziness 12

that's gross what's wrong her cat food is the thing now

I moderated this. It seems to have been edited. I believe OP stated it was beef stew which explains why the daughter may have thought it was dog food.

@brainsoverbeauty, to be honest, even if the kid had actually snuck some dog food, kids do that kind of thing. They'll put just about anything in their mouths. If it's not toxic, you generally just sigh and explain (for the nteenth time) that 'human food' is a distinct category and does not include whatever just went in their mouths. There was a strict 'you may only put things in your mouth that are human food' rule for a while at our house when my youngest sister was little...

terranada 3

well maybe you shouldn't feed your daughter dog food?

why not? perfectly nutritious , you get your bread, meat, and whatever else they put in that slop

why not? perfectly nutritious , you get your bread, meat, and whatever else they put in that slop

athena3100 9

My dogs eat raw meat. Its so much better than that grain shit. if i didnt start feeding them raw one of my dogs would have been dead years ago! ?

dirtyblond 4 fetch daddy a beer and I'll open the tin for you

JustinThunder 8

It'd be worse if they didn't have a dog.

No, no, they misheard her. She said "dog, fool". Though I'm not sure that's any better...

No, no, she said "Doc's foot". That's why walking has been so hard for you today.

SarahStarzz 0

15 win !! :) that made me laugh lol

Acousticpixie14 6

No no no...she said "Doc's poop" See he finally shat out that bottle and she just couldn't resist.

haha! this little chain has some entertaining entries.

69_jackson_69 0

No, you've all got it wrong. She said, "Insert witty comment here!"

is there something wrong with that? crap I guess I have to go buy food then.....

GallifreyDog 2

One time, when I was younger, I thought my dog's food was Cocoa-Coa Puffs.... Never made that mistake again.

ar3llano 0

I did that when I was little too, apparently I thought it was chocolate cherrios... before chocolate cherrios were real. x.X