By scumbag - 05/11/2009 10:12 - United States

Today, I got a call from the guy I have been seeing. I wasn't him. It was his wife wondering why I have her husband's number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 141
You deserved it 6 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL if you didn't know he was married. YDI if you did know. HDI either way.

Well, it IS impossible to be someone else.


ClownSmilely 0

at least you're practing safe sex dating married men lol

read the other comments before you post people. we've already cleared up that she must've gone through her husband's phone and seen texts or calls.

cheetahboo2010 5

Well, what did you tell her? :P and how is his love life currently? :P

Well, that sucks for you. Guess he needed more than one girl or was having wife problems.

Entity4Infinity 0

she doesnt she said that the woman called wondering why her number was in her husbands phone... obviously the OP must have been calling or texting and the wife saw it

sportzftw 3

waait, did u know he had a wife? if so, YDI. If u didnt, FYL. so i guess ill have to press both.