By scumbag - 05/11/2009 10:12 - United States

Today, I got a call from the guy I have been seeing. I wasn't him. It was his wife wondering why I have her husband's number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 141
You deserved it 6 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL if you didn't know he was married. YDI if you did know. HDI either way.

Well, it IS impossible to be someone else.


Give her a break it was a small typo. But yeah he's a dick.

the comments became very heated in that one and in the end, no one really wins. As the internet saying goes, "Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics. Even though you may win, you're still retarded." And yes, I was in one of those "discussions."

And to think i was led to believe pimpin' ain't easy...

lmaoatyourlife 0

I feel more sorry for his wife, you said you were 'seeing him' so doesn't sound like it was serious or that you were in love.. so actually, its lucky you found out so soon.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

the one about somebody committing suicide by jumping in front of a train, saying it was selfish, and discovering their friend's sister did it. That FML got deleted.

Why do these FMLs always stop just as they are about to get interesting. First tell her something to get her off your back, like you are a writing an article on some topic the guy knows about. Then tell the guy you want a gift to show his affection. After that, then another gift or you go Fatal Attraction on him.

Entity4Infinity 0

uhm end it now .... why get the other woman off her back? sh'd just keep coming back ... especially if she sees texts about coming over or something

Entity4Infinity 0

really i never noticed ... when did that happen

This FML is all wrong, how did she even know you had his number, and how did she even know who you were?

AntiChrist7 0