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By tooembarassed - 03/02/2012 20:47 - United States

Today, I got a date for Valentine's Day. The date is with my orthodontist; he's going to tighten my braces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 530
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

buckeye08 10

I'm sure you'll feel the love as he tells you to open your mouth wider.


well... better than my valentine's day plans..... my "date" - few hours of webcam with my long distance boyfriend...

Uhh if you aren't excited to talk to him you should reconsider your relationship.

fmlbrofml 0

She's probably happy, just would rather actually be with him.

If you'd rather get your braces tightened than talk to your boyfriend on webcam on valentines day, there's some re-evaluating to do here.

well, I was just saying... getting your braces tightened hurts ALOT less, than seeing him there, smiling, wanting to be there with him, waiting to feel his arms around me and cover him in kisses... then remembering the distance and that I can't, it wont happen for years to come yet, and feeling my heart sink...... BTW i have had braces i know how it feels and also I am happy to see n talk with him... but it hurts... like hell.....

You're 15, calm the **** down. Children's hormones these days.

I hate to say it but... this guy's right, you're only fifteen. Odds are it won't last.

Your just having a winge about your life on someone elses FML which is what Facebook is for

At least you have a date.. My fiance is about 1000 miles from me right now. T_T

I'm getting my braces off on valentines day! I get to sit there for an hour with my mouth wide open, lucky me!

mismonroe 0

Better than your cat and a box of wine, right?

samikitty961 8

I'm going to make this really easy for you. She's not actually going on a date with him - by having no date for Valentines day she's taking the piss by saying she has one by going to a dentist appointment. Because she's only going on a dentist appointment there's no need for the dentist to be "hot", "hawt" or "fit", because he is in fact a dentist. Being good looking has no influence on most careers, and should make no difference to the OP. Vote me down dammit, I have a problem with stupid people tonight.

Yea like for real ever heard of jk?? But u rlly cnt tell emotions on the internet

desireev 17

Geez.. Asshole much?! It was, clearly, a joke. Don't be such a jackass! And by the way, she isn't going to a dentist appointment. She is going to see her orthodontist. Clean teeth=Dentist Braces=Orthodontist Don't call people stupid when you're not using your noggin' yourself.

bubo_fml 10

Would you rather have a date w/a proctologist?

GoW_Chick 14

Remember spit don't swallow... What?! I was talking about when the dentist gets done and he tells you to rinse your mouth out. What were you thinking about you perv?

#33, I thought it was funny. How about YOU crack a joke and make me laugh. I'll decide who actually suck. You ******* propane tank of dicks...