By Gearhead369 - 03/10/2010 04:39 - Canada

Today, I got a flat tire on the highway. If that wasn't bad enough I had no spare in the car. By the time I got a ride to get a new tire, someone was nice enough to fix my air conditioning for me. They smashed out my window to break in. The doors were not locked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 265
You deserved it 3 853

gearhead369 tells us more.

some people were smart enough to figure out "fixing" my air conditioning was simply just smashing out my window. and I didn't hitchhike, my wife picked me up!

Top comments

perdix 29

Your Canadian crime is so quaint and sweet. Here in the US of A, you'd have been robbed, raped and murdered by the stranger giving you the ride, and loved it!


if you own a convertible (I know OP doesn't I'm just saying this for future reference for anyone) NEVER lock your door. If somebody wants in your car bad enough they WILL cut the top open.

don't blame Canada. blame the Idiots in saskatchewan. roughriders suck.

you must be of a city/province that we beat all the time. best fans in the league right here in Saskatchewan and in the smallest market. haters gonna hate!

Sounds like the vandals were as stupid as you.