By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 05:15 - Australia

Today, I got a free temporary tattoo of a scorpion in a packet of potato chips and decided to wear it on my wrist. Whilst I was in the shower, I got a shock, thinking it was a spider. I then lost balance and slipped, banging my head on the faucet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 311
You deserved it 43 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AliMarie 0

That is undoubtedly the worst tattoo ever worn by anyone ever.


Some of us have to get drunk to fall and hurt ourselves. It's nice to know that others are high on life.

youthink_fml 0

Fake tattoo? How old are you? 12? Even if it WAS a spider, you freaked out enough to fall? Failure on two counts.

You are aware that she lives in Australia.That's a place where you wake up and have to battle eleven of the world most dangerous spiders just to use the washroom.Not to mention other such beasts...

Not really.... ive only ever seen a deadly spider once, and it was on a campsite and i go camping at least once a month :P and in general, depending on where you live there arent many spiders... like in the cities youd only see a small number a year but i see where youre coming from :)

Um, not only 12 year olds get scared by spiders, she may have arachnaphobia or just might not like spiders very much, it's not like they are cute and fluffy. Seriously, I bet you would have done the same thing.

perdix 29

You ought to shower with "afraid of shadow" girl so one of you idiots can cushion the fall of the other. You could also invent the genre of comically slapstick clumsy lesbo ****.

(hahaha) maybe they are related :D Btw, not all females are like this. Really

Fuzzy_Mama_Llama 0

Wow people. It's really not that hard to understand.... She's just really dumb is all.

Hahahahaha!!! This made my day. *clicks add to favorites*

Why would you put on a temp tattoo right before your shower?

she didn't say she put in on right before. She just said she put it on, then when she had a shower, blah blah blah

Expertfail 0

Anyone else this that this is an 'only a woman could manage it' FML?

Anyone else "this" that this is the most inept attempt at a comment ever? I don't know what drugs you're on or what injury you sustained to your head, but it negates whatever small amount of truth could possibly be in your sexist comment.

I don't get why some people don't get it, are they stupid? OP, sounds painful :( FYL

Glam_fml 0

I think half of the commenters here are even more stupid than the OP. Honestly, it is not that hard to understand. I'm surprised some of you can even manage ro turn on a computer...